Kine Eike Karlsen Kine Eike Karlsen

Meeting in Oslo in October 2022

The 18th of October we met again, this time in Oslo, Norway. Even though this was only the second meeting it becomes clear why it is so important to see each other in person every now and then. There were some new people participating that had joined the consortium recently or didn't have the possibility to join the Leiden meeting, but for most of us it was a fond reunion of colleagues all over Europe.

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Kine Eike Karlsen Kine Eike Karlsen

First in person 2-day meeting in Leiden

We met in a sunny (but windy) Leiden, at the LUMC for a two-day meeting. The first day was focused on presenting ourselves and our research and discussing the overall goal of this consortium, so that we all had the same starting point.

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